Inspiration for the Journey

Making Excellent Happen in His New Balance Shoes

A friend of John Schuler’s, who is a pastor and travels extensively around the world, recently sent John a very inspiring email.  His email, along with a photo of the shoes he travels in, highlights an impressive list of stops and challenges along his way.  “Let’s Make Excellent Happen” is the official tagline for New Balance. It seems very fitting to pair that slogan with Pastor Bill’s email, as it appears that Pastor Bill is doing just that…in his New Balance shoes.  Do you make excellent happen in your New Balance shoes?  If so, we would love to hear about it.

Pastor Bill


Below is Pastor Bill’s email to John Schuler (owner of Schuler Shoes)



New Balance

Made in USA


993 Black


In the mud. Through the sand. Rained on.


In the ocean.


Dug holes. Raised Crosses.


City streets. Washed out roads.


Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Swaziland, South Africa, Mexico.


In a minimum of 20 states.


3rd year of operation.


These shoes look almost as good as the day I bought them in Maple Grove.


New balance should change the name of the shoe to “Invincible”.


Be home next week — talk with you soon.


From South Africa




(PS. Picture was taken by accident inside a native hut in remote Uganda, Africa after a full day of working — but when I studied the photo and remembered all the places these shoes have been — absolutely incredible that they have held together so well for so long under such extreme conditions)


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